June 24, 2009


Well, I did it.

I finally finished Nursing School. It is no secret that it hasn't been an easy two years (four if you count the prereqs). Going to school when you have a husband AND kids is a HUGE task! On top of all that, our church closed, we moved, and life happened.

But after all of that was said and done, I still graduated. And I am glad. Glad to have accomplished this, glad it's over, glad my family walked along side with me, glad we are all better for it.

I am so thankful to everyone who supported me throughout this whole process. We would NEVER have made it without all of your love and support.
Here are the girls I lovingly call the nurses... I truly would not have finished school if it weren't for your encouragement, support, late night study sessions and dance parties, fun weekends "off", and shoulders to cry on. Thank you ladies. (Chelsea wasn't in the picture, darn it!).
Jennay... I love you! You are my person. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

To Momma and Poppa, Dad, Jim and Joanne, Christine and Mike, Lisa and Chris... thank you is not enough. Through my ups and downs, laughter and tears, you stood by me when I needed you the most. We can NEVER thank you enough, but we'll say thank you anyway and we love you.

To Maddie and Taylor, thank you for understanding that mommy had to study, couldn't watch movies all the time or color whenever you wanted, thank you for loving me despite my grumpiness and frustration. Thank you for all your hugs, kisses, and prayers. They worked miracles. I hope that my endurance and perseverance showed you how hard work can really pay off. I love you both.

To my wonderful husband... You ran, walked, and crawled this journey with me. I know God has truly blessed us for walking thorough this together. I cannot imagine my world without you, and I am so thankful to have you in my life. I am so excited about the next chapter in our life. Boating... no studying... spontaneity... time together. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for us. Thank you... I love you. Oh, and I won't tell anyone that you got choked up with tears in your eyes as you pinned me... that just wouldn't be cool :-)


Brian Bowker said...

Congratulations Karyn! You are going to make the best nurse! You did it!

Anonymous said...

I know you'll make a great nurse Seester. For one thing, blood doesn't make you faint (like some people...not sure who :o)). And for another, you look really cute in scrubs! Make sure to list both of those attributes on your resume! Important stuff! I love you and am soooo proud of you!
Love, Christine

Emily said...

Congrats! You look GORGEOUS! Miss you. Hope you have a wonderful summer.
