June 24, 2008

Summer is here!

We have officially kicked off the summer. Rick is taking a week-long sabbatical out at Grayland, WA at Twin Harbors State Park. He is camping for a week by himself, and I look forward to hearing how his time away was. Nothing like being in natural alone for a week...

The kids and I have been making the most of the days! Taylor is really loving being outside this year. He is always wanting to ride his bike, his razor scooter, go swimming, play basketball. He is turning into a lover of the sun!

Maddie, of course, doesn't even remember we live inside once the sun comes out! She is like a fish - she is always in the water! She loves to socialize. The owners of our house are in town, and she can't seem to stop talking to them when she sees them. She wears swimsuits more than anything else now, and she is ready for the water slides... she reminds me of them EVERY DAY!
The lack of structure from the school year does seem to be making life a little difficult, but mostly, we are just SO glad the weather is beautiful and we can enjoy playing.

We are off to Olympia tomorrow for the rest of the week. There will surely be more to report later...

1 comment:

Jen said...

Lovely pictures of your beautiful kids! Especially love Maddie's face in the last one. Enjoy the sunshine!
