June 12, 2007

Anyone looking for a hair dresser?

Maddie and Taylor spent the week with my mom and dad while we went on vacation. I had a frantic phone call from my mom calling to let me know Maddie had "experimented" with scissors without telling my mom.

The story goes like this (as told to me by Maddie):

Maddie woke up early one morning and helped herself to some gum my mom had bought. She began to "play" with her gum by pulling it in and out of her mouth, making it stringy. Ultimately, she got it in her hair. Because she didn't want to get in trouble for getting into the gum without asking, she took it upon herself to cut it out. She got a chair from the dining room, brought it into the bathroom, got scissors from the kitchen drawer and cut the gum out. Only problem is once she realized what she'd done, she knew she'd get in trouble for THAT too. SO, she got some glue out of the same drawer and proceeded to try and glue it back in. Not such luck, as you can imagine.

Feeling her own defeat, she put all the evidence away, threw her hair chunk out, and didn't tell my mom. The problem now was that glue had created a huge hair mat. Maddie told my mom that she'd gotten syrup in her hair, so my mom tried to wash it out. Yep, only made it worse. After two hours, 1/2 a bottle of leave-in conditioner, and pulling her hair out strand by strand, my mom finally freed the mat of hair.

The end result is this:

Hey Maddie - the trailer park called. It wants its hair back!


Anonymous said...

You don't want to know the number of home hair cuts we've had in this house. If you look way back on my archives (the month I started blogging I think)there are photos of Mordecai's hair cut. He managed several chunks, DOWN TO THE SCALP. I had two choices:shave him bald, or mohawk. We went for the mohawk:)

Anonymous said...

I was thinking about this again this weekend. Perhaps you can do a side by side comparison with your school picture Karyn. You know the one.....where you only have a quarter of your eyebrows.... hahaha

