March 12, 2008

Spring break is coming...

I can't tell you how excited I am that the second quarter of nursing school is almost over! Time has been flying SO incredibly fast. I don't have any plans but to relax, and I am really looking forward to it!

I haven't been blogging in a while... clinicals, tests, life. I did, however, take time out a couple weeks ago for some fun. My friends from nursing school and I decided we needed to do something fun together that DIDN'T involve studying. So, we headed out to Birch Bay to relax and hang out with NO nursing books! Dana's family own's a cabin on the water in Birch Bay, so we packed up our shovels and buckets, and headed out for some fun.
I think this might be one of my favorite pictures of Taylor....ever. Can't they just stay this adorable forever? Do they HAVE to grow up?

If there are water, rocks, and a boy, there will be throwing of the rocks in the water by the boy! I think it is actually encoded in boy DNA.
Meet Jenny, Carrie, and Kasie - my ladies! We probably see more of each other than our own families. It is a good thing I like them! :-)
This is Anna. She is my friend, Dana's, little girl. Taylor fell for her... While we were down playing at the water, they both got totally muddy and wet, so they depants and play the rest of the night in their underwear. Note - I do not make it a habit to let my kids play with others in just their underwear, although, I am sure they would love that. Who doesn't love to play in just their underwear. :-)
This is Carrie's husband, Brandon. He and Rick have become friends since Carrie and I spend all of our time together!
Kasie and Maddie...some day Maddie just might be taller than her!

I am really looking forward to more days like this... thanks, Dana, for letting us come out! Look forward to the next time.


Unknown said...

Great Pictures, Karyn! That last one is my fave!

You know what? They DO grow up fast...I didn't believe that when they were little, but you can't stop it. Just treasure each day and each memory you have. Each stage is better than the stage before! I've love every minute of it and especially love them being adults. (But I do miss the babies...GRANDKIDS....!!!)

Jessica said...

love it! yes, we are yearning for spring (and warmer weather,) too. great pix. :-)

cookie lady said...

I just love my family. Great relaxing time at the beach. Those grandbabies sure are darling. Takes after their Nani.
I am so proud of the future nurses in the pics.
Love Mom