October 24, 2007

Twenty-first century Mozart

Taylor has always shown an major interest in music, not to mention a natural ability. Today, he showed me just how much:

Ice Skating

Maddie got to experience ice skating for the first time last weekend. She was amazing! Every time she fell down, she got right up and kept trying! She actually wants to go again.

The boys chose air hockey instead of the cold ice! Smart...

Look out Dorothy Hamill.

Pumpkin Time!

I love the fall. It is my favorite time of year. While I do love the summer, the sun, warmth, etc., there is something soothing in cold, sunny days where the fall leaf colors are everywhere, there's a fire in the fireplace, and you get to snuggle with a cozy blanket.

Now, have I gotten to do that AT ALL this fall - no. But I love it nonetheless.

We thought this year it would be fun (and WAY less messy) to make Mr. & Mrs. Pumpkin Heads instead of carving...

I think they did a pretty good job, and the best part: everything (minus the pumpkin) is reusable!

Happy Fall!

October 22, 2007

Study time or Maddie's Jewel Shop

So this is what Maddie does on a sunny Sunday morning while I am studying...

She steals my gems that I use for my cards, and she sets up her "jewel shop, as she calls it, behind the couch in my office... She methodically separates all the jewels evenly, and then plays for two hours with them! Who knew gems could be so fun!

October 4, 2007

Don't try this at home...

It turned out to be a lovely Fall day in Washington today. So, the kids both thought it would be a good time to go to the park to practice riding their bikes. Maddie has been doing SO good at riding without her training wheels, so any chance we get to practice, we take it. Today was not such a good day for the "little girl who could."

Being as determined as she is, she was doing incredibly well starting herself peddling. She would get going and not stop:

This video was taken MOMENTS before this happened:

It being Washington, and all, the wood docks around here turn slippery as ice when it rains. We had already witnessed a man's bike slip right out from underneath him 10 minutes before her accident. She was coming around the end of the park where you ride on the dock for about 50 yards, then head back towards the park. I was following her, but as she cleared the first corner, she was hidden behind trees. All I saw was her tires slip out from under her, and suddenly she was sliding face first on the dock. Then I heard the scream.

This picture is nothing from what I saw. By the time I reached her, there was already a small pool of blood on the ground. Sure enough, she had gashed her lip, road rashed her face and chin, and was tangled up in her bike. Poor baby. I picked her up off the ground and headed towards the bathroom. On our way there, she loudly pronounced: "Mom, I am NOT having very much fun!" I don't blame her.

Three otter pops later, and short trip to the doctor, she is on the mend. Her lip didn't need stitches, but she will have the battle scars for awhile.

Her personality is definitely back, as you can tell. Nothing like pestering your little brother after a hard day...
